
Sales Engineer Salary Bands

An average Sales Engineer salary varies on a bunch of factors...Here are a couple of the factors:  location (each city has its own supply and demand)...so someone working in the Bay area will command a higher salary than an SE in North Dakota.  SO if you are an upcoming SE, you may want to research cities than have a higher pool of companies to match up to your salary expectations.  Years of Experience is important, so if you are a SE who has covered the corporate fortune 500 space for 15 years will offer you more $$$ than and entry level SE will only a few years experience. A variety of experience is also important, as a Sales Engineer salary takes into account selling and solutioning in a variety of different marketplaces and segments. Strong supplementary skills around BPM, requirements gathering, project management, team lead responsibilities can also lend themselves to higher OTEs.  Vertical experience is just an important as product and competitive knowledge.  Typically vertical experts and SMEs can demand higher salaries and usually get them.  Previous Track Record is important, an SE that repeated supports a sales team that over achieves on their quotes can command a higher salary.  These are just a few of the areas to consider when negiotating an Sales Engineer salary


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